Friday, 15 January 2010
A New Year's Message from Nicky Fatback
Happy New Year... Nicky Fatback Is Back! Slightly older, fatter and balder than before. BUT I’m still bringing the BASS to make your groin itch like a bad case of SEX CRABS. Two gigs so far lined up this year, and hey, who knows, if I play that dubstep remix of 'The Theme from Miss Marple' again, they might be my last.
Friday 29th January I will be downstairs at The Electricity Showrooms with 220 volts of low frequency power and Friday 19th February I will be at The Horse and Groom at London’s one night stand sex-fest, OMG.
To thank you for reading this directing marketing advertisment I’ve attached a little Nicky Fatback remix from way back… hope you like it. And if you don’t… oh well. Nevermind there’s always next year. Bye bye!