Monday, 29 September 2008


Official CRISPIVAL merchandise now hitting the streets. Dust off your lapels!

Monday, 15 September 2008

CRISPIVAL invited to talk at Show + Tell at the ICA

News of the world's first crisp festival is spreading far and wide. So it's no wonder that I've been asked to give a short presentation as part of The Show + Tell Show at The Institute of Contemporary Art on 24 September.

I'll be talking alongside a sneaker freak and electronic beatsmith with sandwiches and monocle making afterwards.

Please do come down.. details here

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

The Hospital 100. Out with the Old, In with the New

Blood, entrails and cannibalism. A recent project for The Hospital, a private members club for the creative industry. They hold a vote every year for The Hospital 100, a list of the most powerful creative people of the moment.

Inspired by the revolutionary political cartoons of the 18th Century, “Out with the Old, In with the New” was used to generate excitement within the club but also exploited the industry press to generate further coverage. We created bespoke cartoons for each industry sector that sat within editorial content.