Monday, 30 April 2007

Holy Approved.

It was only a matter of time before Smollensky & Blake recieved the backing of the Church of England.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Vote Electro R'n'B

We're working with some friends of ours called Milke, producers of premium Electro/R'n'B. We've produced branding from the logo, sleeve designs, to a website - - We also ran a week of webcasts not too long ago called "7 Days, 7 secrets". Here's a teaser...

Homeboy or Homeless?

Just a clip of an everyday madman on the northern line. Unless... with the addition of a few choice beats he's transformed into an old-school b-boy...

Monday, 16 April 2007

Champion Babies!

Everyone thinks their baby is the bee's knees, so we thought we'd come up with some toddlers' sweatshirts with this in mind. Here's a blue number that's still in testing stage....

Jiffy Bag Disco

Who says office stationary can't have a little fun too. A little clip we did using a padded envelope and a disco classic... I'm sure we should have been doing something far more urgent at the time.

You're Damn Right I Earned It!

Us blokes have it hard! Three posters we did for Budweiser beer. You might have seen these on bus stops and phone boxes. A campaign more popular with men then with women for some reason... Many thanks to designer to the stars Daniel Mead.

And not forgeting a radio commerical we did too!

Founders of Skype launch Joost!

If you're into new technology or just into free stuff you'll see that the founders of Skype have just launched Joost. Free TV over your internet connection.. pretty cool. Here's one of four little movies we did with Up The Resolution to launch Skype worldwide in 2004. Beware the dangers of not sharing...

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

We Don't Like Crime.

Three posters we did on the tube last year for the Home Office, with gorgeous illustrations by Jonathan Tram. In memory of the guardian angels (remember them?).

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Japanese girls in short skirts, what's not to like?

Thought we'd post a music promo we did directed by the shammasian brothers. It's for Thomas Falke who seems to have dissappeared off the planet.. oh well

Beware the Cone Master.

What happens when you get a bit of spare time on a shoot and find some police cones? You become Conemaster, Master of the Cones...

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Virgin Atlantic - Chicago Here We Come!

A big shiny billboard poster we did for Mr.Branson and his big shiny airline. Can we have free flights to Hawaii now please?!

Xerox viral film - Beware the Watercooler

A sweet little viral ad we did for photocopying giant Xerox. The boss character was brilliant... Thanks to director Owen Harris and Mike and Rob, the real brains behind the operation...